Here we go – Aqui vamos

Here we go with my very first blog ever jumping into the “unknown” (for me ) sharing experiences and stories  with the world and being brave enough like millions of bloggers around the globe to write and post about various topics , That hopefully some will find interesting and useful in the best non-accredited formal education which is the university of life something that is never taught in any school but essential in our daily life.

My name is Fernando half Colombian half Asian(lao) born in Russia , Yes i know, sound complicated but i will explain that long story in future blogs ,who lived many years in London and now have moved to South Africa . Why South Africa ? well that will be my next blog about ! thanks for reading and keep connected for my next blog !


Aqui vamos con mi primer blog, lanzadome en este mundo desconocido ( para mi ) queriendo compartir experiencias e historias con el mundo y el tener la  valentia suficiente como la tienen millones de bloggers alrededor del mundo al escribir y publicar acerca de diferentes temas , que ojala alguno de ustedes encuentren interesante y util en esto conocido como la universidad de la vida .

Mi nombre es Fernando mitad Colombiano y mitad Asiatico (laos), si lo se suena un poco complicado pero lo explicare en un proximo blog , estuve viviendo en Londres por muchos años y ahora vivo en Sudafrica . Por que Sudafrica ? Pues bien esto lo escribire en mi proximo blog ! gracias y nos vemos en el proximo blog !

One thought on “Here we go – Aqui vamos

  1. A true cosmopolitan citien of the world! Thank you so much for following my blog. I was born in Finland and moved to the other side of the world – Australia. I have stayed put 🙂

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